First Pilots
In Murun, Mongolia, residents tell about Khainzan Gelenkhuu, dubbed Mongolia' first pilot. He purportly jumped from 200 meters with an animal skin for wings. Though the wings depicted by the statue in Gelenkhuu's honor at the Murun (Mörön) Airport do not look flightworthy, the local folk assert their flight pioneer succeeded in his daring leap, allegedly injuring only two sheep below.
Juxtaposed with memorial to Capt. Iven C. Kincheloe, in Cass County, Michigan...
Mongolia Star Interpretations
as suggested by Mongolian tour guide
Venus evening star
Ydshiin gayalaan
"Oo ching ga lon"
Morning star
Uuriin tsolmon
"Oor ing tsol moan"
North Star
Altan gadas
"All tun goddess"
Big Dipper
Seven Gods
Doloon burkhan
"Da lawn - brrr khan"
Pleiades ?
Winter Star
"Mitch et"
Milky Way
Suun zam
"Soon zom"