Activities for a Solar Eclipse
Here are some activities for the 2024 solar eclipse with interim notes. As the list grows, newer items are added to the bottom. Feel free to send links of your favorite public outreach activities. And many thanks to creators of educational content.
Modeling shadows first, then eclipses.
Simulate Bizarre Shadows & Lighting
Model shows why shadows transition from fuzzy to sharp during eclipse.
Use the hook of sungazing to update Hoosiers on solar energy opportunities and convey how the sun is integral to Earth’s well-being.
In using models, first get kids to reveal misconceptions. Listen. Use positive reinforcement; ask Qs of their model.
Simulate eclipse shadow with ball casting shadow onto inflatable globe. (Not to scale.)
Solar math bonanza! Extensive practical examples from NASA.
Eclipses in fiction, movies, song, storytelling.
Make a Solargraph.
Image the sun with a 16-ounce can, duct tape, and B&W photo paper. Or try a solar eclipse version of a solargraph using SunPrint paper.
Eclipse Activities and Links from 2017 (PDF).
Original 2017 webpage has some dated but useful content and links.
Simulate eclipse for your site. See a video simulation of the shadow approaching your site and the concurrent aspect of the sun.
Free 2024 Eclipse Curriculum for Indiana
Variations: Look at shadows of tree leaves, or punch holes in paper to spell your name in crescent suns, or use colander instead of pegboard.
Activity if it's cloudy during totality: Watch shadow race over cloudtops.
Eye Safety
How to view the eclipse safely; from American Astronomical Society.
Videos: Confidence & Curiosity: Girls at the Telescope
This 3-part workshop is designed for Girl Scout adult volunteers and supporters who are interested in doing astronomy outreach with younger girls and the public.
2017 eclipse activities guide for Girl Scouts.
Eclipse Stories From Around the World
Share historical and multicultural interpretations of solar eclipses. From The Exploratorium.
my NASA data
NASA HEAT delivers excellent education resources in the context of solar eclipses, with mini-lessons, interactives, and lesson plans.
Predict the Corona
Four intermediate to advanced activities from NASA that conclude with cake. Yum.
Six hands-on activities from Exploratorium.
See more eclipse content at
Solar activities for educators, from Stanford Solar Center.
Site includes images of the sun today in multiple wavelengths.
Best Projection Methods
Project an image of the sun for a group to observe safely.
Sun-Earth scale model printout; 65-foot string for AU.
Indigenous Eclipse Teachings, including Dine’ (Navajo) sun is dying; stay indoors; don’t eat; sing. Reverence for the sun’s time. Quality of air has changed, affects body.
Craft a sun-like image from food coloring and shaving cream. Simple fun.
Frog Swallows the Sun.
Traditional Cherokee story of the eclipse, told by Roy Boney, in both Cherokee and English Languages.
Music by which to watch the eclipse.
Make a Spot Mirror Projection
Forget projection into a box. This is much better and bigger image.
Scale model with beach ball and tennis ball.
Yardstick Earth-Moon model, including links to purchasable kits.
Also see my method for mounting the stick on telescope for better control.
Extend coverage area of solar shades with paper plate mask.
American Indian Beliefs About Eclipses.
Make a model with a plate and coin.
Future Eclipses
Map courtesy of Michael Zeiler,
Jay Ryan's illustrations alone are reason to follow his site, but his argument for viewing from Cleveland is reason to visit his city April 8.
Measuring Darkness During Total Solar Eclipse
Activities and eclipse news are among the features of NASA's public outreach.
Chuck's blog posts tagged "solar eclipse."
Find storylines that accompany activities from 2017 and 2023 solar eclipses.
Solar Eclipse Timer.
Be laser-focused on Eclipse Day through book, app, and videos. E.g.: Have all in your group wear alternating red and green to amplify the Purkinje Effect. Wonky but brilliant!
See current sun activity and forecasts, including sunspots, flares, CMEs, aurorae, and more. Eleven-year solar cycle is high when 2024 eclipse occurs.
Video: Eclipse Blitz
Rapid overview of outreach activities and bizarre solar eclipse highlights to anticipate on Eclipse Day.
(Turn on closed captions, or CC on YouTube.)
Citizen Science for Eclipses
Join NASA-funded projects in collaboration with scientists and volunteers (like you!).
Short videos from NASA HEAT speed through the study of eclipses by ancient cultures through modern discoveries. Fast but informative.
Paper Plate Activities
Engage your solar eclipse audience with paper plate activities that are related to the sun.
Activities list from Andrew Fraknoi.
Eclipses, viewing them safely, and getting to know the moon and the sun.
Eclipses from Around the World
There's more than one way to understand the universe. From Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Lesson plan introduces how celestial bodies align for solar and lunar eclipses.
From Stileapp.