- Apr 11, 2020
- 2 min
The Right Stuff In Coronavirus Era
Here’s my Apollo 13 boot print--the one that never stepped on the moon. Go back 50 years and imagine those five days in isolation,...
- Apr 1, 2020
- 1 min
April 2020 Trifecta: Pleiades, Venus, ISS
In the opening days of April 2020, the planet Venus glides past the Pleiades star cluster. This is a naked-eye celestial delight that...
- Nov 25, 2019
- 2 min
Watch Space Station Bisect Moon--Repeatedly
You've seen pictures of the International Space Station (ISS), but have you ever actually seen it? If you can steady on the moon with a...
- Mar 2, 2018
- 1 min
ISS Transits Moon on March 3
Most people have never seen an ISS transit before. Try this early Saturday morning, March 3, 2018. Set up a telescope in downtown...
- Aug 17, 2017
- 3 min
The Second Question After An Eclipse
To get the elephant out of the room, for US observers, the next total solar eclipse is April 8, 2024. Additionally, peruse the map of...
- Dec 7, 2015
- 3 min
Anticipating the Moon and Venus
I had been looking forward to seeing Venus astride the crescent moon. Instead, the moon occulted Venus and clouds occulted both. Here...
- Dec 3, 2015
- 2 min
Celestial Trifecta on Monday, Dec. 7
Monday, December 7, has three celestial highlights for observers in the South Bend, IN, region--a comet, an occultation, and satellite...
- Apr 2, 2015
- 2 min
Space Station Buzzes by Planets
​ April 6 The ISS rises in the the southwest around 8:46 p.m. EDT. It peaks in brightness (mag.= -3.4) around 8:49:20 p.m., right when...